Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Embrace the World

In case anyone was wondering, decaf coffee doesn't taste like regular coffee. At all. It actually tastes remarkably like dirt. And I don't make a habit of eating dirt, so...

(This is not decaf coffee. This is yummy-licious real coffee. With caffeine.)

On another, more relevant to the usual subject matter of this blog, note...

I have decided that gauge is my knitting downfall. I know that I've mentioned before that several other things were my knitting downfalls (lace, fair isle, craft store crappy yarn, the list goes on), but gauge really irks me.

Apparently I knit to tightly, as I have to go up several sizes of needles every time I make something. Or maybe too loosely... I can't tell. I have trouble visualizing things like that. Which is probably in some way contributing to the issues I'm having with physics class.

"Well, all of the math you just did would be right, except for you forgot to take into consideration that the elevator is going down, so that's a negative, so your answers wrong. Physics is more about conceptualizing than it is mathematics."


But I don't know how to conceptualize, Mr. Physics Teacher. It's not your fault, my head is just so never going to work that way. Which is probably why I'm destined to a life time of knitting other people's patterns, and never designing my own. Yet another knitting downfall.

To be fair, though, I never really wanted to design my own patters. I guess there's really no cause for complaint in that aspect.

It's all good, though. I'm fairly certain that Dream School doesn't even have physics. As long as I pass this year, I'm in the clear.

Oh... speaking of which...

I sent in my acceptance reply to Dream School, telling them that I'm coming!!!! Eeeeee!!!! A future in writing beyond this blog is in the cards for me! Eeeeee!!!!!!!

At some point in time there was a definitive point of this post. Now I can't remember for the life of me what it was. Hmm...

Maybe it was to see if I could set the record for number of ellipses used in one post...



I count 8, including the last two...

Oops, 9!

Song of the Day*

"And the shadow of the day will embrace the world in gray, and the sun will set for you." - Linkin Park, "Shadow of the Day"

*Song of the Day Disclaimer- I normally don't like Linkin Park at all. Like, at all. I listen to music primarily for the lyrics, with a few select exceptions. Linkin Park's lyrics contain a lot of f-words and really sad, angry, miserable language. Well, to be fair, sometimes I can't tell what they say over the screaming. But I heard this song, and the lyrics are actually kind of nice, even if they are repetitive. And Boyfriend is pleased because he thinks this means that I came over to his side of the Linkin Park Opinion Station. It doesn't. I still don't like them. Sorry Boyfriend!


The Dollars said...

Congrats on your Dream School acceptance recognition! I remember those days. The acceptance makes it real! It's so exciting!!

My gauge is ALWAYS off too. I knit too loosely, so I always have to go down a couple needle sizes and usually a size in the pattern too. I didn't realize how important it was until after I knit my first sweater and seamed it. I was so upset it took me, like, 6 months to rip. Uhhh!!!

One of the reason I, too, will never design I pattern. That and I like to knit for relaxation, and trying to design a pattern and get all the sizing right is not my idea of relaxing.

Sisterly Knits said...

Did you know that The Friday Night Knitting Club is going to be a movie...with Julia Roberts?