Saturday, February 16, 2008

Take the Pain Out of Love

So, I have been waiting very patiently for my Ravelry invitation, and it finally came last night, but I was at the party store until ten, stocking streamers and what not, so I couldn't do anything about it until this morning. Or, this afternoon rather, seeing as I didn't wake up until 10:30, then spent a good two hours showering and drinking an intense amount of coffee out of the new pretty pink mug Pharmacy Pete gave me for Valentine's Day.

Or, rose mug I should say. He originally gave me a light pink mug and Shelly the rose one, but we traded. We're cool kids.

But, at any rate, I'm a sad because Ravelry's saying that there's an error in creating my account, and I don't know what to do about it. And I know that there's a help chat room, but I'm skeptical of chat rooms. Even ones for knitters.

And, in other sad news, it turns out that I don't know how to "whip-stitch live stitches," and Vogue Knitting isn't helping me out to much, so I'm pretty stuck on Summertime Tunic until I go see my LYS lady. And I was almost finished too. Grrrrrr....

Oh, and in other news, Pharmacy Pete read my blog. Before that, it was just Boyfriend's mom (who said it kept her entertained), Shelly (who said, "Yeah, it's okay), and BFF (who read it after I gave her the Birthday Scarf, which I've seen her wearing in school, clearly not minding that's it's still pretty darn curly). I'm pretty sure that Pharmacy Pete only read the parts about him and Shelly, and the gorilla pod, but I'll take what I can get!

Song of the Day:
"I do regret more than I admit. You have been followed back to the same place I sat with you drink for drink. Take the pain out of love and then love won't exist." -The Academy Is... "Everything We Had"

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